What if my question is not answered here?

You can go to our
support page for further information or you can
contact us.
How can I get in touch with the artists?

You can receive direct feedback on your songs from your favorite artists or ask them anything you wish in the form of a 1-on-1 live video chat. Besides, you can learn the process that the professionals use to create their hits, get to know the secrets of their latest releases or get some career tips by watching live webinars and live music production sessions.

Yes! You will receive the recorded version of the webinar in email.
Why is Hi Live good for me?

On the platform of Hi Live, you can get to know your favorite artists on a more personal level and learn new skills from them. You can improve your productions and get professional feedback. Since the artists don’t have much time to answer all the questions they get on their social media channels, Hi Live helps them devote more time to you.
How much does it cost?

You can find the prices of the live sessions on the
Live sessions tab, and you can check the prices of the recorded webinars